Geadopteerd graf van TEC 5 Joseph Fumagalli
(If you want to know more about Jospeph Fumagalli, written in English, see his page in the Roll of Honor)
Bij het onderzoeken naar de gesneuvelde 17th Engineers in Europa troffen wij een graf aan op de Amerikaanse begraafplaats Henri-Chapelle dat nog niet geadopteerd was.
Een van onze leden heeft er voor gezorgd dat het graf geadopteerd door onze vereniging MARS en heeft ook contact weten te leggen met de nabestaanden in Amerika.
Het gaat om het graf van:
Joseph (Giuseppe) Silvio Fumagalli
Rang Technician 5th Grade.
Army Serial Number: 32813723
New York the Bronx
Geboren in 1923
Gesneuveld 19 januari 1945
23-02-1943 opgekomen voor actieve dienst
Wij hebben van de nabestaanden, familie, informatie verkregen over het leven van Joseph voor en tijdens de oorlog, hieronder een samenvatting.
“Joseph was born as Giuseppe (means Joseph) Silvio Fumagilli but enlisted as Joseph. He wanted to be an actor and was in contact with a New York city theater group when he was drafted in 1943. His parents immigrated to the us in 1922 from Campofreddo, a small village in Italy where his brother Orazio was born. He spoke fluent Italian, English and Spanish.
Joseph spoke standard Italian and English as well.
His father Francesco, was a Photographer and painter and served in WWI for Italy as a translator for the British Navy. His brother Orazio a sculptor in WWII, severd in an anti-submarine sonar duty in the North Atlantic for the US Coast Guard (part of the US NAVY at times of war) even though he was not a US citizen. He optained his citizenship several years after WWII. Orazio got the word of the death of his brother Joseph when he was serving in the North Atlantic.
(Klik op de fotos voor een uitvergroting)
In Amerika
In Engeland 1944
“Joseph Fumagalli served in the Normandy invasion and was killed in the Battle of the Bulge. He had served previously in another unit but was wounded and sent to hospital. After his stay, he was sent back to the front but not in his unit and not with his buddies.”
Wij weten uit onderzoek dat de dagen voor, en op 19 januari 1945 de 17th Armored Engineer Battalion in de omgeving van Houffalize (Belgie) verschillende activiteiten uitvoerde, een citaat uit een van de after action reports: “17th Engr Batt. were required the construction of several treadway bridges because of the enemy’s excellent demolition work. Several of these bridges were built under observed fire, but Engr causualties were light. Mines caused other casualties, as did enemy fire to mine—clearing parties working forward”.
En tussen 17 januari en 21 januari 1945 wordt er in Houffalize 36 foot M2 treadway bridge geconstrueerd, het is dus goed mogelijk dat Joseph Fumagalli bij de hiervoor genoemde activiteiten is gesneuveld.
Certificate of Adoption Joseph Fumagalli by “Mars re-enactment group”
In België, American Cementery Henri-Chapelle 2014