17th Armored Engineer Battalion in World War 2

17th Engineers during World War Two


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30 entries.
Erica Swenson Elliott from West Palm Beach, FL wrote on 17/05/2024 at 14:05
Dear Martijn and Team, I found your Amazing Website this morning, thank you! I was searching for a few more Tidworth Tidbits for my Great Uncle Pete;s book that I am currently writing, and I found so much more than that! I didn''t have the June 1944 operation report. Thank you for sharing this. Corporal Peter S. Snoich was an Iron Knight in the 66th Armored Regiment of the 2nd Armored. He served in the Reconnaissance Company from North Africa onward. On November 28, 1944, Pete was killed from a random shell, when setting up another nighttime perimeter on the Roer Plain of Germany. Private Don Evans (you can listen to Don if you search his name on YouTube) was the last to speak with Pete and witnessed his death. Pete is buried in Margraten, Holland. Pete's grew up in the small borough, Coaldale, PA which sent 1,225+ men and women to every WW2 theater. I am currently documenting Coaldale's WW2 monument on FindaGrave.com I will run a cross-reference on your 17th Engineers and my Coaldale research and see if anyone pops up. Pete's Niece, Erica
Rita Harrell from Myrtle Beach wrote on 26/03/2024 at 13:32
Release of "Pattons Hand of God; book by James E. Sammons and co-authored by his daughter Rita Sammons Harrell soon to be available to order online. J.E. fought 7 Battle Campaigns and tells his stories to those who would want to experience those recollected memories of War from Benning to Berlin to keep these brave men of the 17th who "Paved the way" to never be forgotten.
Richard Munoz from Santa Barbara, California, USA wrote on 26/09/2023 at 04:36
Found this website as I was researching my late great uncle Amado P Castro, the reading states Purple Heart (unconfirmed), we have found a copy of his Purple Heart certificate issued by the Secretary of War on November 22, 1944.
Admin Reply by: Martijn
Hi, Thank you for the message, we will correct the page online. Martijn
Charles R. Stewart from Athens, TX wrote on 28/02/2023 at 04:15
I was up late last night browsing the internet when, at around 0200, I came across the 17th Engineers website. At about 0930, I was still reading, wide wake and amazed at the achievements this unit, which deserves a motto like: "No job too tough!" I'm a retired USAF officer and my last assignment was at USAFE HQ at Ramstein AB, Germany for 3 years; so I know a little about military life with the single exception of combat. Just wanted to say, "Thanks for the sacrifices and herculean efforts made by everyone associated with the 17th Engineers. Anyone still around from the WW-II days should feel rightly proud of the role they played in defeating the Nazis and bringing peace to a world much in need of it." Sincerely, Chuck Stewart
Edward Kempster from Bromberg, Austria wrote on 12/10/2022 at 05:53
Hard to believe I've only just found this (very well-executed!) site. I am the great-grandson and namesake of Edward H. Brooks, Commander of the 2nd Armored Division from March to September of 1944. I'm an American expat who has been living in eastern Austria since 2018, and am planning my first trip to Normandy in the spring of 2023 to see some of the places and people liberated from Nazi tyranny by the 2AD. To this end, and in preparation for a YouTube channel live-stream on which I will be a guest in December, I have stepped up my research into the Division, during which I found this site. I've made it my life's avocation to preserve, document, and curate the mementos and experiences of General Brooks, and find great meaning in the stories of the men who lived and died under his command... particularly those of the 2nd Armored Division. I just wanted to say how wonderful it has been to find this site, and to offer the use of any photos or information I may have at hand. Unfortunately, I've not found any diary that he may have kept during the war, and many of his papers were donated to the Norwich University library many decades ago. Warmest regards, Edward "Ted" Kempster
Rita Sammons Harrell from Myrtle Beach wrote on 20/09/2022 at 13:48
Book is almost ready for release. An empowering soliders epic experience in 7 battle campaigns to the final end of WWII. Great for generations to come to understand the courageous, humorous and spiritual side of war. Will keep you posted on release date and how to order.
Bob Pelletier from Nashua, NH USA wrote on 18/07/2022 at 23:33
I would like to add to my comments from about two years ago. I recently read the entire Unit History section for the first time. Again, I cannot thank the research team enough for their astonishing level of detail. A superb capture of the 17th and the critical role that it played during WW2 towards preserving freedom and restoring order.
Robert K Chapman from Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England, UK wrote on 27/06/2022 at 21:14
Hi Guys I am totally blown away by the work you have put in to honour the 17th. We are a small group from the UK who proudly wear the 17th insignia at re-enactments around the UK and it is great to see such a fantastic website to honour all who served. Thank you so much Bob Chapman
Colin Dix from Gloucester wrote on 27/06/2022 at 10:39
I have a 1942 WC51 Dodge, it’s marked as 17th Armoured, I have just come home from Normandy from the DDay celebrations. I’m looking for a garrison cap badge, “ We pave the way”, does anyone have one to sell please?
Kurt Steltenpohl from Saint Charles, Illinois, USA wrote on 31/03/2022 at 04:52
I am very pleased to have discovered this website and the existence of a European re-enactment group dedicated to the 17th Armored Engineer Battalion. My father, James Aloysius Steltenpohl, served with the 17thAE during WWII. It is incredible for me to have found a group of people who are remembering and honoring the military service of my father and the men and women he served with. Thank you. I look forward to sharing some photos and other memorabilia that we have and also to learn more of my father's life from your research.
Dilys Winegrad from Philadelphia. PA wrote on 25/03/2022 at 18:14
PS to previous entry just submitted. Since the British RNs who volunteered for the first Red Cross Landing in Normandy in 1944 are never interviewed s were the American Naval nurses, I wish to name my aunt, Lucy Stringer, 1906-1998. RN, BRC. I do not even know if the BRC were given any rank although they wore army khaki!!!!
Dilys Winegrad from Philadelphia wrote on 25/03/2022 at 18:07
I have returned again and again to see the images and read the stories of the brave and fabulous American engineers responsible for the constructing the Spellen pontoon bridge over the Rhine: the first complete and in a timespan that makes it the nineteenth-century wonders of the world. Having crossed into Normandy a few months after D-Day, my aunt, a Great Ormond Street stained children's nurse, crossed on that bridge after work in Normandy, Belgium and Holland to be one of the Red Cross Nurses who liberated Belsen. A member of her group, driving a 15 CWT, was one of the people who slid off the main track and held up traffic that spring on their way to the "Horror Camp."
Rita Sammons Harrell (James E. Sammons CPL) from Myrtle Beach wrote on 23/09/2021 at 12:15
Great tribute to the 17th Battalion who "PAVED THE WAY" to lead the way to 7 successful battle campaigns! My dad lived the war everyday after he came home and began the 2nd Armored Division's Reunion Club that met yearly hosted by a solider of the division in their state every Labor Day weekend. But not only that, but my dad also wrote a descriptive book from trainings at Ft Benning to Coming back to America. Chapters of Battles in every detail. The book will be released soon. And you can order at the website: pattonshandofgod.com For our grandkids and all that need to know how it really was in raw gripping stories for history to remember...
Brenda L Loyd from Baton Rouge wrote on 08/02/2021 at 14:53
I have returned to read and study this website over and over again. It is so hard to find information about the 17th Armored Engineers during World War II. My father-in-law, Clyde C. Loyd, was a member of this group, but he died before I married his son. I am working hard to gather information to share with his grandchildren. Of course the fire at the National Archives has not helped nor has the pandemic this past year. I need to find out which company he was assigned to and when. I do know he changed companies with the death of a Lt in a different company. I know he was in ROTC at LSU when Pearl Harbor was bombed. He was not allowed to finish that semester. Teachers had to give grades based upon the work up to that point. He would return to LSU after the war to complete his senior year. Then he remained in the Army Reserves rising to the rank of Lt. Col.
Wim Kievits from Vught wrote on 22/01/2021 at 16:33
Originating from the small village of Rimburg, situated on the Dutch-German borderline where the American offensive took place in October 2-4 1944 whereby the famous Siegfried line was breached, and being an historian, one simply MUST be interested in the huge effort the US troops made. Only recently it came to my knowledge how much effort was put in the preparations because the leadership anticipated very fierce defense from the German troops, and they simply wanted to prevent experiences as the first defense line that they had to breach during D-Day, the Atlantic Wall. The role of each and every US unit that engaged in this operation deserves a lot of respect not only for the preparation but also for the continued effort during these days. I regret to this day, that while being a youngster and already interested in our huge local history, I never took the time to try and get first-hand memories. It is difficult to admit that this now is to late, and digitized archives and efforts like the 17th Armored Engineer Battalion re-enactment group bring us in hindsight this glorious history and the heroes that lived that history. We must be thankful to these young people who make the effort to share this worthwhile history with us !
Pierre Phliponeau from Saint Gilles Croix de Vie, France wrote on 22/01/2021 at 16:21
I appreciated this great site and got appropriate help through "Contact", thanks guys ! I had a special interest : belonging until recently (I moved...) to a great association in France that struggles to preserve WWII heavy vehicles, I had them to buy a Brockway C666 that slept outdoors in a scrpyard for over 50 years. I started restauration. Big undertaking ! Then I had to move but others continue the task (www.univem-paris.com). I was very glad to browse in 17th Engineers site. Thanks again, guys, great job of memory... Pierre, from France
Mark T. Calhoun wrote on 04/01/2021 at 16:49
Dear Martjin, I'm a historian and author of General Lesley J. McNair: Unsung Architect of the US Army. I'm currently working on a biography of General William Simpson, and an operational history of his Ninth US Army's campaigns in NW Europe. Given the limited access to archives caused by the pandemic, sites like this one are an invaluable resource. The photos and unit histories will be a great help in my ongoing research. Keep up the great work and happy new year! Regards, Mark Calhoun
Kenneth Burchfield from Greenwood wrote on 23/10/2020 at 17:52
It is fantastic that I can read of the historic endeavours of my fellow 17th brothers.thank you for your diligent work I know I'll enjoy it God Bless you all God Bless our troops F17ENGR2AD 78-80 Ft Hood Tx.FRG
Tomas Kepler from Dronninglund wrote on 17/10/2020 at 20:12
Dear Martijn and 17th-engineers.nl, on behalf of Baker Company, a Danish ww2 reenactment group, I would like to thank you for this website. Baker Company is an entirely private enterprise which aims to preserve, restore and present US military vehicles from ww2. We focus on the 2nd Armored Division, and we initially aimed to put together a collection of vehicles to present elements of the 82nd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. However, as our collection developed over the years, we reached the conclusion that we were actually much closer to being able to represent (parts of) the 17th Armored Engineer Battalion - and then we discovered your website, which has been a treasure trove of information, and is still extremely helpful in guiding us through this change og course we have embarked on. We gain much from simply browsing through your pages, and we have given you honorary mention om our own webpage. It is amazing to find other enthusiasts with the same focus, who have done much of the necessary research, and who provide inspiration through such a level of dedication and insight. We have no ambition to attempt to equal what you have set up om your webpage, rather we will focus our efforts on that which is at the core of our work: The vehicles employed by the engineers. We already have a diverse collection, from the generic jeep to the rather more unique Ward LaFrance and even a very rare example of the D7 caterpillar tractor, and with lots of other vehicles and materiel in between. We hope, we might be able to join forces one day, and that we might be able to provide something through our efforts that you might also find helpful and interesting. Again, thank you for this website, and for sharing an interest in the 17th Engineers. Regards, Tomas Kepler, Baker Company (www.bakercompany.dk).
Mark Hiett from Dallas, Texas wrote on 03/10/2020 at 16:04
I want to thank Martijn and all the people who have worked on the 17th Armored Engineers website. I was concerned that my father, PFC Edd Hiett, known as Tex to his war buddies, experiences would be lost to history until I was fortunate to be contacted by Martijn on social media after I posted a few of his pictures and stories. His knowledge of the 17th has helped me put things into historical content and it has been an honor contributing my father's stories, letters home and photos to this website. It was such a pleasure to read through all his letters home to my mother and I feel I have discovered more about both of them than I ever knew. What a treat to gain insight into my parents lives when they were only 18 to 21 years old. Though he didn't speak much about his wartime experiences I learned of them in bits and pieces from him and my mother through the years. The research and archives available on this website has shown me so much more about the dangers and sacrifices of his and all his fellow soldier's service. Thanks again and keep up the great work!